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Online STEM Resources Every Child Needs to See

All of the team at Green Tutors are passionate about STEM education. We’ve all chosen to study and work in STEM fields, and choose tuition to share our passion for learning STEM with our students. STEM learning, and student wellbeing are the two pillars that...

The importance of making good study notes

How do you feel about making study notes? Every school student has notes from their classes, but what those notes look like varies more than the UK Government advice on face masks. Making study notes Some students write down every word that the teacher says, in the...

Is it safe for children to be working online?

In our current climate, more and more of our interactions are taking place through the internet. And while these platforms have always existed, their rapid growth and uptake in new areas have identified potential problem areas. Parents ask themselves, is it safe for...

10 Ways To Build Memory And Smash Exams

Do you struggle to recall things you know you’ve learned, and wish you knew how to improve your memory for exams? Effective revision requires a lot of self-motivation, organisation, and good old-fashioned hard work. It means making a long-term commitment to...

How can students get more confident before their exams?

It may be no surprise to parents to hear that the biggest issue most students face is with their confidence. It’s nothing unique to them either. We all face crises of confidence when we learn something new or push out of our comfort zone. The reason we call this a...