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How do I prepare myself for GCSEs?

Without having sat GCSEs before, it is difficult for students to know what ‘prepared’ looks like. As time ticks on, the pressure increases, and the best way to reduce it is to take positive action. So here are my tips for some things you can do today and...
How much homework should I be doing in year 11?

How much homework should I be doing in year 11?

When I talk students through their weekly timetable, one of the questions I ask them is “how much homework do you have each day?”. Would you have an answer to this question, or is it just ‘lots’? I know how easily work can creep up before we...

GCSE Maths Hacks: Anti-Learning

I’m always being forwarded GCSE maths hacks videos (like this one) claiming to provide a shortcut to maths success with some neat trick. While they’re a lot of fun to watch and often highlight a neat numerical pattern, they’re no substitute for...

6 Simple Steps to Beat Overwhelm with study

Event News & Resources Subscribe How much homework should I be doing in year 11? Nov 15, 2022 | Study tipsWhen I talk students through their weekly timetable, one of the questions I ask them is "how much homework do you have each day?". Would you have an answer to...