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GCSE Success Summit

A special one off event to give you everything you need to support your child in 2023

Don't miss out








What is the GCSE Success Summit?

The GCSE Success Summit is a one day special live event to support GCSE students and families through a difficult year of exam preparation. It is completely free to attend and open to all. 

The event will include live workshops, guest speakers, and practical advice for parents and teenagers.


Summit Agenda

16:30 pm – Summit welcome

17:00 pm – Georgina Green presents “Goal setting for success

17:30 pm – Sarahlynn Hodder of Bettering Youth presents “Supporting wellbeing for exams

18:00 pm – Rachel Stuart of Mindset Lab presents “Managing anxiety

18:30 pm – Andrea Gadsbey of Hope Tuition Clinic presents “Top study tips

19:00 pm – Special Programme Announcement!

19:30 pm – Summit close

Does this sound familiar?



“It is difficult to bring up the subject of revision or exams. It results in emotional outbursts or avoidance.

We just don’t talk about it anymore.”



“She just has no confidence. Whatever she does she never feels like it is enough. I just want her to be happy.”



“I’m not sure he knows how to revise, so he doesn’t start. His homework gets done, and then he’s on the Xbox.”


Let 2023 be the year of:

    • Confidence
    • Clear goals
    • Positivity
    • Growth mindset
    • Happiness

Your Speakers

Georgina Green is a personal tutor, STEM education specialist and founder/owner of Green Tutors.

Having worked and studied in science since leaving university in 2005, Georgina founded Green Tutors in 2011 to share her passion for STEM learning. For 15 years Georgina was a pharmaceutical scientist in Discovery Research, leaving in 2021 to focus on her tutoring business full-time.

Since 2011 Georgina has recruited a team of tutors working and studying in STEM fields to inspire more students into STEM paths. Georgina also participates in STEM workshops and careers events in local schools as a STEM.org volunteer, and in 2022 became a member of the Inspiration Academy with STEMazing Women.

Since March 2020 she’s been the host of the Tackling Tutoring Online community, sharing resources and coaching for tutors and teachers to bring their teaching and business online during the pandemic.

Since 2022 Georgina has been the Science Specialist for Qualified Tutor, as well as the Festival Manager for the Love Tutoring Festival.

Sarahlynn Hodder is the founder and head tutor of Bettering Youth, the podcast host of The Mindful Toolbox and the Wellbeing Specialist for Qualified Tutor.

After feeling stifled in the classroom, Sarahlynn was inspired to start her own education provision that focused on developing key skills: empathy, resilience, critical thinking and self-awareness. This is embedded in all academic tutoring sessions and provides the foundation for the 1-1 coaching sessions.

Noticing an immense need for mental wellness support and resources, Sarahlynn launched the Mindful Toolbox – originally a monthly workshop to focus on mental health and wellbeing – now an additional resource for families to access coaching, courses and student masterminds.

Sarahlynn is dedicated to elevating children’s understanding and access to tools to support their mental health.

In February 2022, Sarahlynn became the Wellbeing lead for Qualified Tutor, she worked alongside Georgina in embedding wellbeing sessions into the Love Tutoring Festival 3 and is (very excitedly) the Coordinator of World Tutors’ Day 2022.

Rachel Stuart is a Cambridge University qualified Academic Coach, who specialises in working with GCSE & A Level students in schools and online. Her approach is to help students build the study skills, mindset and motivation needed to become confident, independent learners, so they can achieve their potential and get into their top choice University.

Rachel’s passion is seeing students develop belief in themselves to improve their grades, often more than they thought was possible.  She also loves to support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and to help them see that their differences do not need to hold them back from achieving their goals.  Through her company Mindset Lab, she has worked with hundreds of students over the last three years, and has seen students utilise her approach to improve their grades across the board and not in just one or two subject areas. 

Andrea Gadsbey is the Founder and Lead English Tutor at Hope Tuition Clinic.

Andrea has been a classroom teacher, mentor, trainer and curriculum lead across Secondary English for 18 years and explored the alternative world of tuition during 2020 when the pandemic took learning online. She found the demand for online learning soared and her English teaching expertise soon saw her side-hustle grow into a business.

Over the last 18 months, Andrea’s business has grown by 500% and she is now scaling back her teaching commitments to devote more time to growing her tuition business and bringing her experience of English mentoring and training to tutors.

The mission behind ‘Hope’ is to improve the life chances of all young people through literacy and Andrea remains a passionate advocate for closing the gap and supporting disadvantaged young people to build confidence and success. On her journey, she would love to support as many tutors as possible to achieve their goal.


Is it really free?

The entire event is entirely free to attend.

In signing up you’ll be added to the Green Tutors email list. You can unsubscribe from this at any time.

I can't make it live. Can I still sign up?

Yes, you’ll be able to watch back the recordings from the event if you can’t make it.

I strongly recommend attending live if you can make it though. There are prizes, and the best results come from showing up.

Is this event for parents or for students?

We all work directly with students, and that is where our experience lies. However the event is aimed at parents as we find it is the parents who students go to for support. Without the correct tools and contacts you may not always know how to help. This event is designed to help you with that.